Walk the Talk

nlp walk the talk with danielle serpico

Experience this unique opportunity to walk with Danielle amidst the most beautiful natural scenery in Glendalough, or Mount Usher Gardens Ashford, County Wicklow, or The JFK Park, or Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland.

  • Create your plans to fulfil all your potential.
  • Get insight into how to take the next steps in your life and learn how to be happy.
  • Gain motivation and knowledge about how your mind works in the most conducive and inspiring environment.

Fun, easy and inspiring 90 minute (or so) walk followed by afternoon tea in the magnificent Glendalough Hotel, Wicklow, or Brandon Hotel, Wexford, Ireland.

What a difference a day can make

If you are looking for more confidence, motivation, inspiration and a new fresh perspective in how to Walk the Walk then …

Take the steps to change your life right NOW!

Book your spot now for a Private or Group walk with Danielle.

  • Experience the journey to the Garden of Ireland and the Wicklow Valley or the JFK Park, Wexford.
  • Take a drive towards one of natures most beautiful sites
  • Make yourself the VIP!
  • Breathe and start your special day
  • Just for YOU . . .

nlp walk the talk with danielle serpico

Your Walk-the-Talk Experience

Walk the Talk takes about 4 hrs starting with a coffee and chat, then our incredible walk and then back again for a cup of tea!

Throughout the whole of this pragmatic day you will have the opportunity to inform Danielle on your particular situation and for her to give you practiced and proven strategies and techniques to enhance your life.

Once you have taken a walk with Danielle you are in the ‘club’, you will have an open line of communication going forward

Your ‘Walk the Talk’ Experience is a unique way of meeting with a Transformational Coach in a transformational setting.

The Benefits of Walking-the-Talk

Danielle’s methods are unorthodox, yet they are extremely effective.

She uses a combination of Life Coaching & Experiential Teachings, conversational hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and practical advice. Some of the benefits include . . .

  • Gain Clarity, Direction & Focus
  • Discover more Motivation and Inspiration than before
  • Learn about YOU & how to Love yourself more
  • Discover how You tick and your personal decision making strategies
  • Find out how to change your bad habits
  • Learn the secrets of successful people
  • Know how to change your ‘state’
  • Figure out your plan
  • Feel motivated, inspired and ready to take action

Take the Opportunity and Change your Life Today . . .

  • Take the first step amongst nature towards the rest of your life.
  • BOOK NOW to invest in yourself and change your life.
  • Treat a loved one to a very special gift today.
  • Give them the gift of learning, how to understand their mind, take back control of their life and fulfill their dreams
nlp walk the talk with danielle serpico